It is most important for your diet weight loss to eat a diet that is rich in vegetables, fruit and nuts. Nutrients from natural sources is a far better way than taking daily supplements and is so much cheaper to implement.
If we want to grow strong and healthy why can't we just swallow some pill supplements instead of eating a natural source of food!!They say what we eat is what we are and if this is the case many of us must be falling about due to the lack of a balanced diet. About three helpings of vegetables and fruit are eaten on a daily basis on average by the people in the United States - Although we should be eating at least 5 to 13 helpings of natural sources in our daily food intake but this will depend on the number of calories that each person will need. This data has been acquired from the Department of Health and Human Services.
Research studies in the last 10 years have proved that natural food sources have a far better benefit than taking vitamin supplements. The nutrients in fresh fruit and vegetables work so well together and it is something we cannot better as Mother Nature's way is the best way.
Naturally occurring ingrediants like carotenoida and flavenoids are contained in our natural foods and this is something which you cannot get with pill supplements.
Naturally occurring ingrediants like carotenoida and flavenoids are contained in our natural foods and this is something which you cannot get with pill supplements.
There are still many natural substances which are found in fruits and vegetables which have yet to be discovered by science. All nutrients found in foods are not eaten separately but are all consumed together. People who do not get enough iron in their diet should consume iron rich vegetables like broccali or spinach which has an iron absorbing enhancer like we find in vitamin C in natural orange juice.
Natural vegetable foods may prevent many health problems. Eating fruit and vegetables on a daily basis can reduce the risk of getting heart problems, strokes, diabetes and also some forms of cancer. Over 100,000 people were examined over the course of fourteen years and this study was carried out by The Nurses Health Study and Health Professionals. By eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, nuts etc on a daily basis part of the report said that people would have less chance of getting heart disease.
It has been more difficult to prove that some forms of cancer can be prevented by eating more fruit and vegetables. Some research shows that some vegetables can reduce or lower the rates of some types of cancer. High intakes of greens, spinach, broccali, cabbage,kale etc suggest that mouth, stomach and colorectal cancers can reduce these types of cancers if they are consumed on a daily basis. Prostate cancer can be held off if you intake natural substances such as lycopene, a carotenoid that provides the red color in tomatoes.
Fruit and vegetables and other foods like these are fantastic for keeping your diet weight weight in check.These foods have a very high water content and are low in calories but also contain high fiber content and when eaten it creates a feeling of being full up and so diminishes your craving for food at that time. This is very helpful for those on a diet and the added bonus is that the fiber will keep your bowels in regular motion.
A variety of different types of vegetable is best used for your diet weight loss. Each different colored vegetable or fruit contain a different nutrient and this is important when using these in a balanced weight loss program - that is nutritional cross training. Make sure that you try every conceivable colored vegetable as trying new foods can be exciting in itself apart from the benefits you will get from them.
You will have to judge the helpings of fruit and vegetables you have on a daily basis and this will depend on the individual and what their calorie needs are. Keep a daily diary listing all your food consumption and you will soon learn how to judge the quantity you will want to eat. You can also use the CDC's online serving calculator as this will show you the amount you should be taking. Eat a fruit or vegetable at every meal and this should be sufficient for your needs. Your fruit and vegetable diet can be effected by seasons or cost but do not try to let your diet be affected by this. You can always use frozen products, canned or dried varieties to get you through a particularly difficult period. Squeezed juice from fruits and vegetables count 100% towards your servings but they do not have the full fiber content as the product itself. Do not use juices from concentrate as these have no benefit.
A plate of fruit or vegetables on a daily basis may be a prevention towards certain types of illnesses. Dietweight loss using it together with a proper diet program and combine this with an exercise program and with your sustained efforts you will see your weight reducing in quite a significent manner.
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