Jumat, 29 Agustus 2014

What is a Liquid Diet?

With the vast majority of people who have at one point or another followed a liquid diet it is no wonder that the term is so must known. Although this diet was primarily subscribed for patients before or after surgery it is now a popular diet for weight loss. In medical scenarios the diet is recommended by special doctors to clear the intestinal tract.

On the other hand, the liquid diet is considered as one of the fad diets that help in quick weight loss. When a person consumes only liquids in different types; his / her calorie intake is automatically reduced, which results in losing extra pounds. People using liquid diet methods to lose weight should have vegetable soups and broths, fruits juices, etc. in order to gain all the essential vitamin components, rather than going for only carbonated and sports drinks. Here is a list of the foods that should be consumed when on this diet.Liquid diet, as the name suggests, is the diet plan where the body consumes only liquids for a specific period of time. No solid foods are allowed in this diet. Liquid diets can be divided into two sub types: full liquid diet and clear liquid diet. In the former, any liquid foods (milk, honey, shakes) are consumed while in the latter only transparent liquids (like clear soup, clear fruit juices) are consumed. The clear liquid diet before surgery is prescribed, so that no food remains inside the stomach before medical surgery (especially that of the gastrointestinal tract). It helps in clearing the gastrointestinal tract of any unwanted residue in the body. On the other hand, a clear liquid diet for colonoscopy benefits in leaving the stomach and colon clear of any residue.
-Fruit juices without pulp
-Vegetable broth
-Vegetable soups
- Milk and milk shakes
-Strained lemonade
-Fruit punch
-Sports drinks
- Gelatin based products and jellies
- Honey, honey in lemon water, honey in milk
-Clear ice pops, candies
-Tea, coffee without cream
-Fruit purees
-Smooth and clear ice cream
One can incorporate any of these foods as breakfast, lunch and dinner. Although, these liquid diet ideas are meant only for extremely obese people , many people follow this diet regularly for weight loss. The liquid diet meant for surgery is followed only 3-4 days before and after surgery. Whereas, that meant for weight loss can be followed for 3-40 days. It is also recommended that one should not exceed the diet for more than the prescribed time. On the other hand, it is also advised to not to begin having solid foods immediately, as it can lead to indigestion, diarrhea, etc. It is also recommended to not to exercise while on a liquid diet, as it can lower the metabolism and result in loss of muscle mass.
One should note that the liquid diet cleanse also has side effects associated with it. As the person's diet lacks in fibers, he / she may have difficulty in digestion and suffer from constipation. Secondly, other side effects like lack of energy, fatigue, vomiting, loose motions, etc. can be experienced. On the other hand, as weight is lost very quickly during the diet plan, there are high chances of gaining weight once the diet is stopped. Therefore, it is advisable to consult the doctor before going for this diet for weight loss.

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